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Who will assist you:

Dra. Ana Llull



Melanocytic Nevi, ordinarily known as "moles", involve benign neoplasms which are usually pigmented. Their significance lies in three fundamental points:

1. There is a risk of their progressing to malignancy.

2. They are risk indicators for the development of melanoma.

3. Aesthetic problems

Skin cancer

Is one of the most common cancers in both men and women and occurs more each year, is a common disease in young people and is intimately related to sun exposure. Everyone knows the saying, "Skin has memory" and, indeed, so it does. Each sunburn suffered is recorded in the skin's cells and can end up causing cancer.

It is important to take proper preventive measures, which not only involves avoid sun or using sun factor protection, but also a thorough study of the entire body for lesions which could be precancerous or if they are already malignant, to detect them in the early stages. The dermatologist's role in prevention is paramount. He must determine whether lesions should be managed, studied, or removed.

It also must be considered that there are people predisposed to skin cancer by skin type, family history, habits, or work. These people must be identified and monitored by a specialist in order to avoid potentially malignant lesions to the extent possible, or treat any which appear, bearing in mind that melanoma is a very rapidly progressing form of cancer.

It is essential to go to the dermatologist

Anyone noting the onset of a new lesion or a change in color, shape, or size; of an old lesion; or if it begins itching, hurts, or bleeds; should urgently visit a dermatologist for analysis and correctly diagnosis.

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