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One of the main values that we want to encourage from Clínica Áureo's management is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It means, mainly, that our organization cares about our surroundings. We love our city and our island, which is why we will try, to the best of our ability, to carry out corporate actions that help improve our neighborhood, our city or our community. The idea is to draw up a sustainable strategy and elaborate a plan that includes and informs of the different CSR actions we carry out. Among them, we would like to mention the following:

    • LED lighting: Our lighting system uses LED bulbs, saving between 60% and 80% of the usual electrical expense compared to conventional lighting. One of the main advantages of LED lights is their contribution to the sustainability of the environment, since:

      • They do not contain mercury or other toxins.
      • Over 90% of their components are recyclable.
      • They last longer and therefore reduce the amount of waste.
      • They significantly save on CO2 emissions. A single LED bulb avoids emitting 22 pounds of CO2 per year to the atmosphere.
      • Cold light saves on air conditioning systems, saving energy and helping against global warming.

    • Our electrical supply is hired through ENERGIA VM, whose electrical production comes from a 100% renewable energies (certified by CNMC), contributing to the sustainability of the planet.

    • We recycle all sorts of clinical, administrative and technological materials.

    • We use business management software (ERP) located in “the Cloud”, which allows us to work with electronic documents, avoiding printing paper as much as possible and reducing power consumption, since we do not have to use physical servers.


    • We hire the maintenance services of NARTHA SERVEIS, a company 100% from Mallorca that encourages inclusion and labor integration of disabled people, and acknowledged as Special Employment Center by the Directorate General for Employment and Health of the Balearic Government\'s Department of Economic Affairs and Innovation.

    • We encourage collaboration with NGOs, foundations, soup kitchens and any non-profit entity that helps those in need.

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    • Sponsor of CB Sant Josep. Basketball team in Liga Femenina 2 LF2. Season 2020/2021.

    • Sponsor of the Wellness Global Experience. Port Adriano. The keys to integral wellness, a charity event in which 50% of the proceeds went to the Amics de la infància organisation.

    • Palmer Basket Mallorca. Men's basketball team that plays in EBA League. Season 2022/23

    • Azul Marino Basket Mallorca. Women's basketball team in Liga Femenina 2 (LF2). Season 2022/23

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    • We have a constant attitude of openness, we offer all relevant information to those that work with us, as well as providers, banks, possible investors and customers.

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    • We promote and try to take measures such as schedule adaptability or flexibility, conciliation of family and work, promoting ongoing training, etc., always within the possibilities of our organization.

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