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  • intranet/archivos/01_09_2019_32_42Clinica_Aureo_Quienes_somos_Equipo_medicina_estetica.jpg


We are an organization 100% from Mallorca which, under Dr. Cristina Núñez's management, aims to approach aesthetic medicine, health and well-being from an interdisciplinary point of view, so that we work together between our different fields of expertise. Dr. Núñez is responsible for Care Coordination in a clinic that, with the help of the latest medical and odontological equipment, offers its customers services such as Aesthetic Medicine, Odontology, Nutrition, Dermatology and Cosmetology, presenting people's image and health as one.

Our professional team at Clínica Áureo believes that people's well-being comes from a reconciliation between their emotional state and their physical appearance. That is why we offer special care and assistance on every one of our treatments to obtain natural and beautiful results, and so that you can have a healthy and cared-for appearance; in a nutshell, so that you feel good.


The sectio aurea or golden ratio was first described in Ancient Greece as the result of a mathematical ratio that is found in nature in some objects, people, plants or animals that we find beautiful or attractive. It is the consequence of the ancient passion for health and beauty understood as a harmony between how we look and how we feel. That harmony is still sought after by people that care about their physical and mental well-being.


Each of us has something that makes them special, a trait that sets them apart and that we would like to highlight above all else. We don't want to transform you, we want to look for that aspect that makes you special and make it visible. It is only a matter of finding it and giving it relevance, THE RESULT IS YOU: recognizable, without drastic changes but highlighting the best of you. We simply want that when you look in the mirror you like yourself and at the same time you recognize yourself.

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