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Who will assist you:

Dra. Cristina Núñez

Director / Aesthetic Medicine

Dra. Elisa Urbina

Aesthetic doctor

The hypocaloric diet is simply based on a reduction in calorie intake. When the weight loss we are looking for is not very high (5-10% of total weight) we can eat a diet that contains all the macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins) in the usual proportions but in smaller quantities, so that the consumption of a lower energy load will make us use the reserves we have accumulated and reduce our weight.

The hypocaloric diet is always accompanied by adequate physical activity and the necessary intake of micronutrients. The controls can be weekly or fortnightly in which the weight is controlled and a review of the guidelines is carried out and doubts are solved.

The ultimate aim of this hypocaloric diet is a dietary re-education and healthy habits in order to maintain what has been achieved. This involves the patient adopting a healthy and balanced diet and appropriate physical activity as a habit. For the latter, at Clínica Áureo we have the collaboration of the premium personal training centre FinestBox, which will be able to offer you a totally personalised training plan.

Diagnostic and informative consultation:

It has a cost of 60€, although said amount will be discounted from the price to be paid for any of the medical treatments recommended by our professionals in said consultation. Read more…

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