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Who will assist you:

Dra. Cristina Núñez

Director / Aesthetic Medicine

Dra. Elisa Urbina

Aesthetic doctor

Dietary protein, when there is no contraindication, is an alternative to typical dietary strategies. It is based on protein balanced restitution (in the form of highly nutritional proteins), which causes the reduction of the body's fatty mass without diminishing lean mass. During this process, the patient experiences no feeling of hunger and maintains equilibrium, generally due to the micronutrients supplied and the metabolic state induced by moderate ketosis (5 mmol/dL). It is a progressive food reintroduction program. In its early stages, it is a ketogenic diet belonging to the group of very low-calorie diets, and later progresses to a hypocaloric diet complemented by protein supplements until dietary balance is achieved. The protein support diet is based on:

supplying replacement proteins of high nutritional value: including all the essential amino acids in proportions suitable for preserving muscular tissue and avoiding a fall in the basal metabolic rate. The supply of proteins corresponds to WHO recommendations, whereby it is considered normal- rather than high-protein. A significant reduction in the supply of carbohydrates (<50 g daily) mainly at the expense of low glycemic load vegetables, which also meet the necessary fiber requirements. A reduction in the supply of lipids though 10-20 g of olive oil is stipulated to avoid cholelithiasis. An essential supply of micronutrients (vitamins, trace elements, minerals, sodium potassium calcium, magnesium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.) in order to ensure the recommended daily amounts and avoid any deficiency. For all the strategies listed hygienic habits, must additionally be adopted, especially with regard to physical activity, which is the ultimate requirement for maintaining the result achieved and for weight stabilization.

The protein support diet is intended for all patients suffering from excess weight, so long as they do not exhibit contraindications, even those that, despite having an adequate BMI, are experiencing an increase in bodily fat.

There are contraindications, which should be assessed by the doctor to rule out the suitability of this diet for patients exhibiting these conditions.

This diet progresses in successive stages in order to first obtain rapid weight loss (ketogenic phases; a 75-80% decrease in excess weight), followed by a dietary reintroduction and readjustment (non-ketogenic phases; a decrease of 20-25%) in remaining excess weight). This sequence guarantees long-term. stabilization of the new condition.


The protein support diet is, like any other medical treatment, a well-defined tool:

  • Ÿa diet severely limited in carbohydrates
  • Ÿa diet severely limited in fats
  • Ÿa protein-sufficient diet
  • Ÿa moderately ketogenic diet

Therefore, micronutritional supplementation is required.

Inappropriate for any patients: with contraindications

It does not work without the patient's active participation.

Its objective is to achieve: weight stabilization, by preservation of muscle mass and chronobiological nutrititonal readjustment.

An individual approach to application is essential, and includes nutritional readjustment as an ultimate goal.

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