The only guided preparation and cementation solution for dental veneres.
One of the main challenges dentists face today is being able to execute the initial planning of their cases accurately. Find out how FirstFit's three-step process makes it possible. Restorative techniques have not evolved for decades, until now!
FirstFit technology allows us to perform restorative cases with maximum precision while providing an unparalleled patient experience. Our 3D printed guides deliver efficient, consistent and minimally invasive results in a single preparation and placement appointment.
Improves patient experience and satisfaction.
Simplifies the entire process (planning, design, milling and cementation) in 2 single appointments.
Eliminatew the use of temporary veneers.
Forget about emergency appointments.
Greater esthetic and functional predictability is achieved.
The advanced FirstFit software takes into account multiple variables that allow us to digitally design the final preparations and restorations. Planning is always carried out according to your aesthetic preferences.
The FirstFit difference:
• Customises designs.
• Gets highly functional and aesthetic smile designs.
• Achieves minimally invasive, digitally accurate preparations.
By using SmartPrep guides, we will achieve precise and minimally invasive digitally designed carvings. These not only ensure a perfect fit, but also guarantee results that are virtually identical to the digital planning.
The FirstFit turbine, and its ingenious design, fits inside the SmartPrep guides, and drives the dentist's hand so that it can replicate the pre-designed carvings with micron accuracy.
The FirstFit difference:
• Prevents over or under tooth carving.
• Avoids problems with the insertion path of veneers.
• Increases the durability of restorations.
• Allows preparations to be easily made to perfectly match the final restorations.
• Facilitates ideal cementation by generating preparations that remain in the tooth enamel.
We will enjoy a radically simplified placement and cementation process. The OneStep placement guide allows up to 10 veneers in a single dental arch to be cemented in one step, significantly reducing overall treatment time and eliminating any inconvenience associated with traditional placement techniques. The veneers are bonded into the guide and positioned to sit perfectly in the patient's mouth.
The FirstFit difference:
• Simplifies positioning and cementation processes.
• Eliminates the risk of misaligned restorations during the positioning process.
• Facilitates cement application and conditioning of veneers.
• Reduces treatment time when cementing.
At Clínica Aureo the FirstFit treatment includes the following:
1. Free consultation with our FirstFit® specialists, where you will see step by step how to achieve your new smile. A series of photographic records will be taken, intra-oral measurements will be taken, and we will tell you the cost of the treatment.
2. Digital study with interactive 3D image of your mouth, where you will see the before and after of your smile instantly.
3. Removable splint to protect the veneers.
4. Periodic check-ups to control the treatment.
The advantages of using FirsFit veneers in comparison to conventional veneers are:
1. 100% digital: the study, design of the smile and fabrication of the veneers is carried out digitally, allowing us to reduce errors.
2. Precision: the carving guides are manufactured after a digital study that allows us to guide the carving so that it is minimal and exact. This means that we can carry out the carving and cementation of the veneers in the same appointment, thus avoiding the need for temporary restorations.
3. Speed: with this technique we can reduce the time to two appointments. In addition, thanks to the new FirstFit technology, we can cement up to 20 veneers in the same session.
4. Minimally invasive: we eliminate the discomfort of using temporary veneers.
5. Personalised: a smile study is carried out digitally, taking into account the patient's face and tastes to create the perfect smile for the patient.
6. High aesthetics: these are very thin disilicate veneers that blend in with the tooth. They do not change colour over time.
If you have any questions about FirstFit, ask us! Or come and see us at the Centro Comercial Son Moix Centre in Palma.
Our cases: