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Who will assist you:

Dra. Cristina Núñez

Director / Aesthetic Medicine

Dra. Elisa Urbina

Aesthetic doctor

Dra. Ana Llull


Integral face treatment according to the specific needs of each person.

The treatment we denominate “Full face” is the combination of different non-surgical techniques that we use to completely treat defects or problems detected in each patient. Since we cannot pretend to obtain a completely satisfactory result if, for example, when treating front wrinkles, we neglect the deep nasolabial furrow.

To achieve this, Clínica Áureo created TOTAL BEAUTY, the ideal procedure to try to solve problems that start when a non-treated area of the face is highlighted by causing an extremely evident contrast, when treating and improving a certain area of the face of a patient. For example, when treating a patient with a very worn upper third of the face with expression wrinkles, we treat the zone with the appropriate procedure and, when we obtain the results we obtain a medium third with flabbiness or wrinkles that do not highlight so much; when the area is not equilibrated with the treated zone, it becomes a zone that catches the attention. Regarding this, our advice is to treat the face as a whole and, by doing so, maintain the desired harmony.

The combination of the different treatments goes according to the individual needs of each patient. We may use injection techniques and associate them with bioplasty (dermal fillers), collagen regenerators, tensor wires, biostimulation, etc. This is about “hitting the nail” and obtaining the most satisfactory possible result.

In every case, procedures are simple and not very uncomfortable. They are performed in one or two 45 to 60-minute sessions, and the reincorporation of the patient to their social and work lives is immediate. Duration of the effects will depend on the used treatments and products, but it may range from 6 to 12 months, or even more. Regarding negative effects, they usually do not go further than typical bruises or small swellings for a short period of time (3-10 days).

The price of Total Beauty will depend on the combination of treatments each patient may need or desire, but it is always a price that is noticeably inferior as if each of the treatments was done individually.

Of course, what’s most important is the previous diagnosis, where we must know what the patient is worried about and what the combination of techniques that will provide us the best results will be.

Would you like to know what your TOTAL BEAUTY would consist of? Request us a free first consultation!

Our results

Cases of Total Beauty

Diagnostic and informative consultation:

It has a cost of 60€, although said amount will be discounted from the price to be paid for any of the medical treatments recommended by our professionals in said consultation. Read more…

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