Also known as dental prophylaxis (from the Greek "Pro" = before, "phylaxis" = protection), it’s a simple preventive process used to remove all the plaque and tartar that has accumulated between your teeth, which is the primary cause of the appearance and development of various oral pathologies. To combat this, we will carry out a procedure involving cleaning, polishing and disinfection, with the aim of maintaining hygiene, and both preventing and detecting potential oral diseases.
It’s a simple procedure that lasts between 30 and 45 minutes and in Clínica Áureo we usually recommended once a year, although your dentist will always recommend the most appropriate frequency for each patient depending the oral hygiene of the individual. In any case, it is always advised that you visit your dentist at least once a year to check the status of your oral and dental health.
A traditional technique carried out with stainless steel instruments that allow the surface of the tooth to be scraped, along with a dental polishing using a rubber cup and special paste. It is used on patients with sensitive teeth, those with little tartar or those with pacemakers. It does not require a local anaesthetic.
A technique in which the power of high frequency sound waves is used to help remove plaque quickly and easily without damaging the enamel of the teeth. Ultrasonic cleaning also creates shock waves that help eliminate bacteria by disrupting their cellular processes. The main advantage of this type of cleaning is that greater access to corners, fissures and periodontal pockets can be achieved thanks to the use of curved and fine tips. It does not require a local anaesthetic.
It combines both manual and ultrasonic techniques. Used on patients with mild periodontal disease. It is carried out over 1 or more sessions and requires a local anaesthetic.
This also combines manual and ultrasonic techniques. It is used on patients with advanced periodontal disease. It is usually carried out over 4 sessions and requires a local anaesthetic.
• Review patient's medical history.
• Application of ultrasound and/or manual instruments.
• Tooth polishing to eliminate traces of stains and bacteria. To do this, we apply a small jet of sodium bicarbonate under pressure to the tooth. The patient can choose from a wide variety of flavours (mint, lemon, Coca-Cola, etc.).
In the case of babies, a dental check-up is recommended from the age of one (with the emergence of their first teeth) to avoid cavities appearing and to perform the necessary cleaning or preventive treatments (fissure sealing, etc.). It is also recommended that they start brushing their teeth at home with a very soft brush and, from the age of two, start using toothpastes with fluoride. From then on, it will be the dentist who will determine the frequency of cleaning or check-ups depending on the individual, but as a general rule, they should attend their yearly appointment for either a cleaning or a check-up.