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Who will assist you:

Dra. Cristina Núñez

Director / Aesthetic Medicine

Dra. Elisa Urbina

Aesthetic doctor

Dra. Ana Llull



(from Greek “melas”, meaning “black”) is an acquired skin disorder consisting of hyperpigmented patches symmetrically distributed on face, neck, and more rarely, arms. 90% of cases affect women.

Despite being a very treatment-resistant and relapsing disorder, there are certain guidelines that can help you fight it. We would like to share some of them from Clínica Áureo.

1. Seek counsel.

Ask a qualified doctor, it is imperative that melasma is properly diagnosed, since the skin patches may conceal other more severe skin diseases that could go unnoticed – they could also be a symptom of a systemic disease.

2. Avoid possible triggers.

Among melasma’s multiple risk factors, ultraviolet radiation and hormone influence (oral contraceptives and pregnancy) are identified as the main triggers, but other factors include certain drugs (such as phenytoin), thyroid diseases, phototoxic medicine, and genetic predisposition. Risk factors must be avoided as far as possible, as long as it does not affect other conditions.

3. Prepare your skin.

Moisturized and healthy skin will endure external aggressive factors in the summer, such as our face, neck, and cleavage being permanently exposed to sunlight, breezes, and chlorine. We must take proper care of our skin so that it is ready for these elements.

4. Use a suitable depigmenting product.

There is a wide variety of patch and skin-whitening cosmetics in the market, it is important to find the most suitable one for your skin and your type of melasma (there are several!), sometimes it is even advisable to combine topical medication to fight this disorder. From Clínica Áureo, we insist – if you get a proper clinical diagnosis, you will obtain specific instructions for your skincare.

5. Protect yourself from the sun.

We left the most important tip for last. It is absolutely necessary to use sunscreen regularly, protecting your skin from sunlight as part of your daily routine is not only important when you foresee sunlight exposure, but also whenever you go outside. You must also use the most fitting sunscreen, which will vary depending on your skin type, as well as the time of the year and the expected degree of exposure.

As you can see, melasma can be prevented, and if it is too late, it can be treated through proper diagnosis to make your skin regenerate and look younger and healthier.

Diagnostic and informative consultation:

It has a cost of 60€, although said amount will be discounted from the price to be paid for any of the medical treatments recommended by our professionals in said consultation. Read more…

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