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LABIAPLASTY is the term referring to the surgical procedure aimed at correcting labia minora that may possess excessive volume, or an accumulation of fat.

Women whose labia minora or majora are overly large may experience discomfort when performing certain activities (such as exercise, having sex, or even when getting dressed).

By means of this procedure, we attempt to eliminate excess skin and/or fat in order to restore balance and a rejuvenated look to the vulva, as well as to improve the physical and psychological state of the patient.

A labiaplasty is an outpatient surgery that usually lasts between thirty minutes and an hour. Patients may return home on the same day of the surgery, so it does not require hospitalization. This procedure requires the use of sutures, which will disappear of their own accord in a couple of days. This form of surgery requires local anesthesia, which may be combined with sedation to achieve maximum relaxation and ease of mind for the patient during the procedure.

The postoperative period is straightforward, requiring a few days of rest, during which patients may experience some discomfort.Patients should refrain from sex until after a month has passed.

The results are very pleasing, and help those women who have been traumatized by the condition to feel good, with an aesthetic look that is in harmony with the rest of the body.

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