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The eyes and the gaze represent one of the most powerful tools of our non-verbal communication. Eyes hide our deepest secrets and are capable of conveying our purest emotions. Indeed, our eyes say a lot about our personality.

With the passage of time, the laxity of the skin and the action of gravity causes folds of excess skin to appear on the eyelids, which can even obstruct peripheral vision. Conversely, the fat pads atrophy, causing areas of sagging between the eyeball and the orbital roof, resulting in skeletonisation of the orbit and a diseased appearance. Most patients over the age of 50 have a variable combination of these changes that can be effectively corrected with eyelid surgery.

All of these changes contribute to the deterioration of the eyelids and tend to produce an aged, sad or tired look which is often the main reason for patients to consult. In women, it is a common complaint that they can no longer apply make-up or eyeliner correctly.

How can I rejuvenate my eyelids?

BLEPHAROPLASTY is the surgical technique that removes excess skin, muscle or fat that accumulates in the lower and upper part of the eye. This procedure can be used to correct bags, bags under the eyes, drooping eyelids or dark circles under the eyes that give the facial area a tired and droopy appearance.

At what age is eyelid surgery recommended?

Signs of ageing usually begin between the ages of 30 and 40, although most patients are not usually candidates for eyelid surgery until around the age of 50. There are exceptions in which those under 35 years of age who, due to genetic reasons, develop excessive flaccidity in the eye area that makes them look older than they really are, can be operated on.

What does eyelid rejuvenation surgery consist of?

The procedure consists of removing excess skin in the lower or upper eyelids, and this intervention will be analysed and discussed with each patient in detail, so that any limitation or information that is important for each case is taken into account.

It is a simple and generally outpatient procedure, which requires localised anaesthesia and sedatives to guarantee the patient's peace of mind during the process, which can last between one and four hours, depending on the technique used.

Care is taken to ensure that the scars coincide with the crease of the eyelids, so that after some time they are imperceptible to the eye. In the case of the lower eyelids, the scar is placed just below the lower eyelashes to prevent it from being visible.

Post-operative care

This is not an operation that causes too many problems, bruising may occur, and the patient will be able to return to daily life in less than a week. Ten days after the operation, the patient can begin to do light exercise, and 3-4 weeks after the operation, he or she can start practising sport normally.

After the operation, there may be a feeling of tightness and swelling due to the inflammation, and eye drops and ointments must be used to heal, which may cause blurred vision during the healing process. During the first few days, it is advisable to sleep with the head elevated to prevent fluid accumulation and to help the oedema to disappear as quickly as possible. Lymphatic drainage massages performed by qualified professionals are recommended.


Unlike the standard upper blepharoplasty technique, which is limited to removing excess skin, cauterising or removing a strip of orbicularis oculi muscle to generate a certain degree of tension, and eliminating part of the fat pockets, at Clínica Áureo we have this new technique of extended upper blepharoplasty or eye contour volume improvement. It is a more complex and longer surgery, but with substantially better and sustained results over time. This technique allows us to address all the problems present:

-Remove excess skin.

-Instead of only removing part of the fat, the orbicularis oculi muscle is completely opened and the fat pads are transposed, filling areas of sagging and ensuring a smooth transition across the eyelid.

-Reposition the fallen lacrimal gland back to its correct position within the orbit.

-Perform optimal tightening of the orbicularis muscle and ensure a tension-free and more aesthetic suture.

-With this approach we can also treat and improve palpebral ptosis, i.e. cases where one eyelid is more droopy than the other.

How do I know which type of blepharoplasty is right for me?

This decision depends on a thorough assessment by the surgeon. Young patients who have only excess skin or minimal nasolabial fat bulging may be good candidates for a simple blepharoplasty. However, most patients after the age of 50, and more so the older they get, often have a combination of problems that can only be effectively treated with an extended blepharoplasty if optimal and longer lasting results are desired.

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