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The type of surgery which acts to improve the aesthetics of the ears is formally known by the name of OTOPLASTY. For patients with large ears, or ears that are excessively detached from the skull, thistype of surgery acts to beautify the ears permanently.

The procedure can be performed at any age, and may even be done on children and adolescents.

It consists of a purely natural remodeling, and is accomplished by reshaping the cartilage so that it adopts the form that best suits, while removing any excess skin from behind the ear.

The procedure lasts around onehour in the operating room, and it may be performed with local anesthesia, optionally combined with sedation. The procedure is an outpatient intervention. After surgery, the patient will have to wear a bandage for one week, and he/she will have to protect his/her ears for up to a month.

The result can be seen almost instantly, and will improve as the days go by, althoughsome bruising may appear. The scar is strategically hidden behind the ear, so that it is not easily visible. For at least two days after, the patient must remain at absolute rest, while taking care with head position while sleeping. Normal physical activity is permitted.

Recovery is swift, and a return to one's normal daily routine and work life can take place in a couple of days.

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