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Who will assist you:

Dra. Ana Llull


a) Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a superficial mycosis which causes macular hyper- or hypo-pigmentated lesions, tending to affect to the top of the chest and back.

It mainly affects young people who sweat in such locations, mostly athletes.

Diagnosis is clinical and, depending on the severity and extent, may be limited to a topical treatment or extend to oral treatment during the course of treatment.

b) Tinea Capitis, Corporis, Barbae, Unguium

"Ringworm" is an infection of the skin produced by a group of keratinophilic fungi called dermatophytes. These fungi can colonize the entire body, including the scalp and nails.

We observe spots of different size on the body's surface which characteristically flake on the edges, leaving central hypopigmentation. Treatment, depending upon severity, is topical or oral. Hygienic measures are important.

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