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Who will assist you:

Dra. Ana Llull


Impetigo is a superficial infection of the skin, caused by staphylococci (S. aureus) or streptococcal (S. pyogenes), more common during childhood.

It usually occurs when the normal flora of the skin is altered by the influence of factors such as inadequate hygiene, excess moisture, ambient heat, overcrowding, preexisting skin diseases, and prior antibiotic treatments. There are also some risk factors such as atopic dermatitis which make it susceptible to colonization by S. aureus.

Impetigo may extend to other areas of the body or autoinnoculate the patient themselves after scratching or be transmitted to others who come in contact with the affected skin or infected objects. Scabbing of the lesions and their antibiotic treatment are very important.

It is important to complete ten days of treatment and monitoring and avoid the microbial-favorable factors previously described.

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