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Who will assist you:

Dra. Ana Llull


Lupus erythematosus is a multisystemic autoimmune disease predominant in females. Its pathogenesis is very complex and related to both genetic and environmental factors.

The first thing we should note is that not all "lupuses" are equal, and we should distinguish between chronic cutaneous erythematous lupus, subacute cutaneous erythematous lupus, acute cutaneous erythematosus lupus, and systemic erythematosus lupus.

Depending on the type of lupus diagnosed, clinical lesions will be quite variegated, from indurated lesions, violet erythema, pigmentation disorders, epidermal atrophy, to residual scars, etc.

With regard to treatment, the first step is to explain to the patient the nature and evolution of the disease, and most importantly to avoid sun exposure during the hours of full sunshine. In addition any medication the patient has been taking should be carefully considered, to rule out drug-induced. lupus lesions.

Treatment is topical, using either powerful topical steroids or frequently administered doses, calcineurin inhibitors, imiquimod, retinoids, etc. According to the severity of the case, we may have other therapeutic options, such as antimalarials, systemic corticosteroids, oral retinoids, thalidomide, dapsone, etc.

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