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Who will assist you:

Dra. Ana Llull


Dermatological disorders associated with drugs are frequent. Factors which affect the occurrence of toxicoderma are: age, sex, genetics of drug metabolism, viral coinfection, and the patient's immune system health.

Clinically, we may observe cutaneous and/or systemic effects. On the skin, we may see erythematous maculo-papulous exanthema, urticaria/angioedema, erythroderma (completely red skin), fixed medical exanthema (pigmented macules at a fixed point of the body which whenever we take such medicine come back the same way), etc.

We must diagnose the morphology of lesions, and make a thorough analysis of exposure to drugs and their temporal relationship to toxicodermia. Differential diagnosis with other entities is essential. In the case of identifying the pharmaceutical responsible for the breakout, and depending on the clinical severity, it should be eliminated or replaced.

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