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Who will assist you:

Dra. Ana Llull


Hives are a heterogeneous group of diseases whose common and specific symptom is the "wheal", or rash. When this lesion is deeper, and is located in the subcutaneous tissue, it is referred to as angioedema.

Clinically, it deals with the occurrence of wheals with peripheral, erythematous halos. Its evolution is fleeting, lasting under 24 hours. It does not leave a residual lesion. It is characterized by itching and stinging.

The first point which must be clarified is that hives is not synonymous with allergy. Its etiology in most cases is unknown, although various causes should be dismissed from among the following: viral, bacterial, fungal, nutritional, pharmaceutical, and systemic. Stress is a definite causal factor and trigger.

The front-line treatment is antihistamines, taken as specified, not only when symptoms are present. In persistent and chronic cases, you can bet other treatments as systemic corticosteroids, dapsone, hydroxychloroquine, etc.

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