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The human being is subjected to various biological cycles determined by neurotransmitters which determine the body's "timetables": when to eat sleep, be active, or rest. 

Based on our knowledge of these thoroughly studied cycles, we can determine the proper diet for activities carried out at any given moment with regard to our biological clock. This is how we know we need more energy in the morning, and stimulation from certain amino acids which awaken our mind and body, whereas at sunset we should begin a to "cool down", until we are relaxed and calm for bedtime; this is the time to ingest less caloric products, and to activate neuromediators which initiate the relaxation and calming process.

Chronobiology is the science which determines these parameters, and upon which rely in formulating the chronobiological diet.

Who will assist you:

Dra. Cristina Núñez

Director / Aesthetic Medicine

Dra. Elisa Urbina

Aesthetic doctor