The hyaluronic acid molecule contains properties that make it an authentic treasure for our skin and face. It’s now very popular thanks to its use in aesthetic medicine and continues to grow in popularity as new properties and uses are discovered.
What are its properties?
Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the extracellular tissue of all vertebrate living beings. It intervenes in mantaining the correct structure and functioning of tissue giving volume, integrity and mobility. It benefits cell proliferation and retains a big quantity of water. It also intervenes in wound healing and the formation of molecules of tissues.
What are its uses?
It’s been used in aesthetic medicine since 1995 in Europe as a dermal implant. It’s a resorbable material that can last from several days up to several months depending on the type of hyaluronic acid it is, the area it’s applied on and the inherent characteristics of each individual.
There are diffrent types of hyaluronic acids classified according to their density, concentration or cross-linking, these characteristics will determine its use, duration and properties.
Its main clinical indications are:
- • Hydration and revitalization of skin (facial mesotherapy)
- • Correction of nasolabial folds
- • Correction of wrinkles on the corner of the mouth
- • Outlining and/or lip augmentation
- • Correction of the “bar code” (horizontal wrinkles on the upper lip)
- • Volumization of cheek bones
- • Delimitation of the oval of the face (jaw profile)
- • Correction of other wrinkles, folds and hollows
- • Rhinoplasty without surgery
- • Correction of scars
- • Body sculpting (filling of hollows and volume augmentation at the physical level)
How do we apply it?
Hyaluronic acid is the most used filler right now given its proven safety backed up by multiple studies. It’s non-animal origin means there are no allergy tests for the administration because it practically minimizes hypersensitivity reactions. The most frequent adverse effects are the typical bruising or minor inflammations that go away in a few days.
It’s applied with needles or cannulas at different depths according to the desired effect. Even though it can be applied without anesthesia we can also use topical anesthesia or truncal if necessary, besides there are now products with added anesthesia which makes its application practically painless.
It’s important to consider that the application of hyaluronic acid is a medical act that has indications and contraindications; thus, in Clínica Áureo we always advise the necessary prescription of a physician after a personal valuation of the patient.
Dra. Cristina Núñez Fernández
Aesthetic Medicine
November, 26th 2015
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